Harvest Day went rather well in spite of my misgivings. Portuguese on the Island are invited to join the festivities in base housing, so the gates are shut at 5:30pm for the protection of the children and crowd control... we were advised to take in all decorations, outside toys, etc., so we locked everything in the garage and beat a hasty retreat to the church (Azorean Baptist Church http://www.azoreanbaptistchurch.org/) before the allotted time of gate closure. Maid Marian, Mr. Pilot, and Eeyore had a blast hanging out with their friends at church, dressing up, eating, playing games, and at the end: getting the all important candy! On of the deacons at the church had to make sure we had an extra bag (he tried to give all the kids extra bags of candy!), so we have plenty for oh, the next year or so:). We carved the pumpkins today because we wanted to enjoy them for a couple of days (they'll be piles of mush very soon with the warm weather and ever-present moisture) and we wanted to enjoy them at night, not having to have them inside on "Harvest Day" for fear of vandalism.
1 comment:
Great pictures!! The kids are growing up so fast. We'll probably carve our pumpkin sometime today. Time kind of got away from me--GO FIGURE! :)
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