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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Bronco Rider Eats Cat!

Nathanael and Thaddeus have an endearing habit of getting up together and playing with each other in the morning before Mom and Dad are at all ready to wake up (ok, an annoying habit when they decide to play on the Alligator Xylophone--loudly--but we still love them dearly). A couple of mornings ago, they were up playing together when in our misty state of, "oh, I hear the kids, I guess it's morning..." we hear Thaddeus begin the OW! I'M HURT! cry. He makes it to Daddy and really does have a good sized bruise on his temple, right beside his eye. The explanation? Nathanael was giving Thaddeus a piggy-back ride. I asked Thaddeus later (when his owie had turned into yet another black eye) what he hit. In his cute, clear little boy voice, he said, "The bed." Ouch! Nathanael piggy-back rides are no longer on the morning to-do list.

Then today as we were on a quest to find stain for one of Ryan's wood working projects, Thaddeus had us loving life again. Ryan wanted to explain this one...

"There I was driving along drinking my Mt. Dew… really just minding my own business… the kids are in the back seat minding their business--commenting on whatever comes across the synapses. 'Cat,' says Thaddeus (as one is crossing the street in front of the car). 'Eat cat!' says our bright boy. Reference the first sentence and a mouth full of Mt. Dew. We almost had an eruption of Dew in two solid streams from the nasal cavities. Choking... coughing. Driving to the intersection I finally got some bodily function control. Yes, every day has its 'little' events!"

Later, I asked Thaddeus when he would eat cat... he decided it would be a good snack, not breakfast, lunch, or dinner. out for Thaddeus' visit, Aunt Rachel!


Here and Now said...

Ha! I will make sure I don't invite the Edwards over! I have two possibly delicious cats!!

Anonymous said...

I could part with one or 4 cats myself. Send him right over...
Our Love