Nathanael came up to me a couple days ago and informed me that he needed sprinkles on his head so he could fly. He informed me while wearing a cape and shortly after watching Disney's Peter Pan movie (then he had to practice, see picture:). Hannah told me today that she wanted to put Tinker Bell in a dish with a lid that had ten small holes in it (small enough, presumably, so Tink couldn't escape), then she would proceed to shake the dish over her head so she could fly. We discussed whether poor Tinker Bell would like to be stuck in a dish without books or a bed or unable to swim or play. Whereupon Hannah declared she would make a small house for Tinker Bell, she would sew a tiny blanket and pillow for her and make a small book with pictures by our resident artist of course. And, Tink would be happy. O, the imagination!
Today is the first day of swimming lessons this year, so here are some pictures to enjoy (no, Hannah's not trying to deck the instructor--she's just swimming w/ her arms!!!!), and a shot of the children held deep within the enchanting world of Calvin and Hobbes (never mind it's Daddy's book--they love it!)..JPG)
Great pictures! :)
Great pictures! We love, love seeing pictures of your family and kidlets!
I would send you some of us, but... welll..... John dropped our digital and it doesn't exactly work anymore. :(
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