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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Belated BDay Present

Yes, Rachel... you guessed it.... we're pregnant with Baby #4... we got the results (rather quickly and positively:) this morning! Due Date: June 20th. Pray for us!:):)


Anna said...

Wow!!! SOOOOOO excited for you and your family! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!

Desert Weary (aka Chet, aka Gampy) said...

Yahoo! C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S
Great news. Does that make it a June baby?

That's exciting news. How are the other kids reacting? Hannah is excited I bet.

Happy Birthday, Love dad

Here and Now said...


Anonymous said...

How nice that Norah gets another cousin! Congratulations.

Lori Boyd said...

Congratulations!! And Happy Birthday indeed!!!!


Anonymous said...


I am so excited for you and Ryan. I will be praying for this little one and that you and the family continue in His blessings.

Happy Birthday! (sung off key of course)

Uncle Charles

Tricia said...

WHat exciting news! CONGRATULATIONS!!!